
Schirmer Kaffee GmbH
Heßlingsweg 28
D-44309 Dortmund

Fon: +49 (0) 231 / 55 71 88 -0
Fax: +49 (0) 231 / 55 71 88 -55
Email: info@schirmer-kaffee.de

Commercial register HRB 10529 Dortmund
Managing directors: Markus Zombek & Jörg Bieß

VAT identification number DE 154 117 778
All rights reserved. Status as of 2016.


All trademarks, company and product names, company and product logos used on this website are the exclusive property of the particular right holder.

Digital copies, reproductions and prints of our website – in any form – are only allowed for the purpose of information and buying our products and services as well as for documentation about a possible purchasing resource.

Every use beyond that violates the copyright and will be generally legally prosecuted.
We reserve our rights to claim for damages because of those violations.

Data protection

When we receive data through our contact form about customers and interested parties, we will only use them for our internal purposes and will never forward them to third parties.

Legal notices / disclaimer

In case of cross-references to websites of third parties (“external links”), where creators aren’t responsible for the content, we formally distance ourselves from any illegal content. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to us. Subsequent changes of layout and / or content are not under our control.